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Americans and Macao:Trade, Smuggling, and Diplomacy on the South China Coast
Americans and Macao:Trade, Smuggling, and Diplomacy on the South China Coast
  • 定價:1332


    博客來-Americans and Macao:Trade, Smuggling, and Diplomacy on the South China Coast博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/0010553748


      The theme of this volume is the American relationship with Macao and its region through trade, politics, and culture, and the focus is mainly on the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The essays address topics such as the role of the China trade in US pacific expansion and exploration, US consuls, smuggling networks, American women's perceptions of China, and missionary and educational work. In all of the encounters, Macao emerges as a central player, adding a new dimension to our understanding of Sino-American relations.


    Paul A. Van Dyke

      Paul A. Van Dyke is professor of history at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. He has spent many years researching various aspects of life, trade, and societies in the Pearl River Delta and Maritime Asia.


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